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    Research and Development

    Queensmill School has an established tradition and commitment to research and development (R&D), including the leadership of R&D for the West London Teaching Alliance and membership of the Pan London Autism Schools Network-Research PLASN-R; a collaboration of senior school leaders and university researchers who together generate ideas for the design, implementation and dissemination of research projects.

    In September 2013 we set up a R&D Board to lead and monitor relevant R&D activities in school. The membership of the Board includes our R&D Coordinator, a class teacher, a teaching assistant, one parent representative, a research intern and an external R&D university consultant. The board publishes a termly newsletter for parents and staff to keep them up to date with research activities at school and to provide a summary of recent studies published in research journals. You can download copies of our newsletters using the links on the left of the page. 

    In addition, we publish research summaries of the projects conducted at Queensmill. You can download those research summaries using the links in the Research Summaries box on the left hand side of this page. 

    Parents and carers of Queensmill pupils are very interested to find out and discuss with fellow parents and staff recent findings from research. In response to this interest, we have recently set up a parent group, with an emphasis on gaining a deeper knowledge of how to understand research in general and what factors to consider when making judgements about research. 

    We are currently involved in a number of research projects. Follow the link on the left/right (adjust to where the tabs will be) of the page for more information about these.

    Eleonora Sher (Research and Development Coordinator) 

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