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    Careers Programme

    Careers Programme

    Key Stage 3 – Year 7, 8, 9

    During KS3, the focus of career education is primarily on introducing students to the concept of work and assisting them in acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to make well-informed decisions regarding their future careers. This encompasses familiarizing students with various occupations and industries, as well as exploring their personal interests and strengths.

    At Kensington Queensmill, the career education program is customized to cater to the specific requirements and abilities of autistic students. This involves utilizing visual aids, structured activities, and hands-on learning opportunities to aid students in comprehending and actively engaging with the material.
    Specific activities that may be incorporated into the KS3 career education program for autistic students comprise:
    • Engaging in interactive activities, such as role-playing and job shadowing, to explore a wide range of career options.
    • Enhancing social and communication skills through group work and simulated job interviews.
    • Acquiring knowledge about the skills and qualifications essential for different occupations.
    • Participating in on-site work experience placements to gain practical experience and skills.
    • Exposing students to diverse businesses through workshops and informative talks.
    • Ultimately, the objective of the KS3 career education program for autistic students is to establish a solid foundation for their future success in the workforce, enabling them to make informed decisions about their career paths.

    Key Stage 4 – Year 10, 11

    At Kensigton Queensmill, our Key Stage 4 careers programme is meticulously designed to assist our students in acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to prepare for the next phase of their lives, whether it involves further education, employment, or independence.
    To initiate this process, we collaborate closely with our students to discern their strengths, interests, and aspirations for the future. This entails exploring various career options and facilitating their understanding of the requirements and qualifications associated with each profession.
    Once we have gained insight into our students' ambitions, we work together with them to devise a tailored career plan that delineates the essential steps needed to accomplish their objectives. This plan may encompass pursuing higher education, obtaining work experience, or honing specific skills and competencies.
    In order to bolster our students' endeavors towards their career goals, we provide an array of resources and support services, which include:
    • Work experience: We actively assist our students in securing placements within local businesses, affording them invaluable hands-on experience and the opportunity to enhance their skills and self-assurance.
      • School-based work experiences: All students in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 will engage in work experiences either through specific roles within the school or by participating in skills workshops.
      • Community-based work experience: Students who are capable of venturing into the public domain will be offered work experiences within the community, facilitated through local businesses.
    • Exposure to diverse businesses: We arrange workshops and talks that expose our students to various industries and enterprises, broadening their understanding of different career paths.
    • Further education: Starting from Year 10, students will be invited to attend an on-site Further Education/College fair, enabling them to interact with and gain insights about their prospective paths and future options. Additionally, colleges will be invited to address students during planned assemblies.

    Key Stage 5 – Year 12, 13, 14

    Our KS5 career program is designed to equip our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in their future professional endeavors. We offer a comprehensive range of activities and support to ensure their successful transition into their chosen careers and their ability to become self-reliant members of society.
    Throughout Key Stage 5, we provide various opportunities for our students, including:
    • Mentorship: Collaborating with local businesses and community organizations, we facilitate mentorship programs that enable students to work closely with experienced professionals. These mentors offer invaluable guidance and support throughout the students' career exploration and development.
    • Exposure to different businesses: Through workshops and informative talks, we introduce our students to a wide range of industries and companies. This exposure allows them to gain insights into various career paths and helps inform their decision-making process.
    • School-based work experiences: All students in both KS4 and KS5 have the chance to engage in work experiences within the school environment. This can involve specific roles within the school or participation in skills workshops that simulate real-world work scenarios.
    • Community-based work experience: For those students who are ready to venture into the public, we offer opportunities for work experiences within local businesses. This allows students to gain practical skills and experience in a real work setting, contributing to their overall growth and development.
    • Further education support: Starting from year 10, students are encouraged to attend an on-site FE/College fair, where they can explore their future pathways and interact with representatives from further education institutions. Additionally, colleges are invited to speak during planned assemblies, and organized visits to FE/colleges are arranged for KS5 students.
    By actively engaging in these activities, our students are well-prepared and empowered to make informed decisions about their future careers, laying a solid foundation for their continued success.


    Careers Leader: Janja Vodusek – janja.vodusek@thequeensmilltrust.com

    Careers Policy