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    SCERTS – Social Communication Emotional Regulation Transaction Supports

    At Queensmill, we have always sought to find the most effective and consistent method to enable students to communicate and manage behaviours attributed to their autism. We are not wedded to any singular point of view but adopt an eclectic approach adopting those methods that work best for individuals or groups of children. The SCERTS framework and methodology informs our practice, meaning that we have a means by which we can chart the progress of children and young people with their social communication and equally, their emotional regulation specifically, what they do to help them cope with the world around them, which can be distressing.

    We are flexible and enthusiastic in exploring a range of evidence-based approaches and interventions to help children learn, engage with people and situations as well as those resources that help them calm. Using SCERTS, we are able to plan, monitor and record the progress of children in a number of domains. Without question, the SCERTS methodology most closely aligns with our fundamental ethos for working with children and young people on the autism spectrum and we invest heavily in our staff so that they are thoroughly well-informed and confident SCERTS practitioners. Our assessment system draws heavily from SCERTS principles as do our coaching and mentoring systems when evaluating the effectiveness and impact of teaching students with autism.

    Our commitment to the SCERTS model has been comprehensive, for not only our own staff but parents/carers and other professionals. We have frequently hosted training events so that this highly effective, highly respected methodology is communicated to as wide an audience as possible. SCERTS encourages research and investigation so that children and young people with autism, however unique and unconventional in their individual presentation, have their most urgent and significant needs met, free of the constraints of a singular or pre-existing method.