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    The vast majority of our pupils are transported to and from school via Local Authority transport arrangements. A minority of our pupils are brought into or collected from school by their parents/carers. We recognise the importance of efficient and effective forms of transportation for our pupils and their families and work in close collaboration with the Travel Care team from the Bi-Borough RBKC/WCC and other relevant Local Authorities to ensure that these run as smoothly as possible.

    In order to organise transport for their child, parents/carers must communicate with the LA to request this and ensure it is in place for their child. We offer some support with this by liaising with the LA special needs department if requested by parents/carers.

    Where pupils are collected by their parents/carers we ensure we check the identity of the person collecting the pupil prior to allowing them leave school. Where we have not been informed of the change in person collecting the pupil, we will check with parents/carers via telephone.

    Where there are changes to transportation needs, such as pupils going home early due to sickness or staying at clubs with short notice, we contact the relevant LA transport sections.

    All the buses/taxis arrive at school between 8.45am and 9.15am. Pupils are kept on the buses/taxis until the school gates are securely closed, engines turned off and members of staff present to collect the pupils from the buses/taxis. While pupils are getting off the buses/taxis all engines remain turned off and no buses/taxis must move.

    Parents bringing their children to school wait outside the school door and members of staff collect their child from them. Senior members of staff and the site manager oversee the process. The process is reversed between 2.45pm and 3.15pm when pupils leave.

    Local Authority Addresses Telephones

    Bi-Borough RBKC/WCC

    Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea & Westminster City Council

    Travel Care & Support Team,

    Bi-Borough Children's Services

    Pink Zone, First Floor, Kensington Town Hall, London W8 7NX

    020 7361 3623
