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    School Council

    Kensington Queensmill School Council

    Kensington Queensmill School Council meetings take place each half- term. The School Council is a vital element of our school community as it gives students a voice and a say in decisions that affect their school day.

    This is focused on celebration events such as Christmas, World Book Day, Easter, and other events. As well as any general day to day decisions that student’s input is crucial in, such as who will be head boy/girl, any desired changes to the playground, and any new ideas pupils have and wish to bring to the meeting to discuss with their fellow School Council peers.

    Each class is represented by one elected student, who then attends the school council meeting to cast their votes, share ideas and enjoy social interaction & communication with peers.

    Each session consists of a discussion, remembering what we voted for last time and seeing the implementation of this through pictures, videos or physical items to celebrate the input and changes made. An idea for a new vote for the next meeting to work towards and finishing with a game or activity for the pupils to take part in together.

    So far during our Autumn term meetings, the following areas have been discussed and votes cast around:

    • Head Boy & Head Girl
    • Class countries for International Day celebrations
    • Christmas Cards created by the pupils to be printed for purchase
    • What should be the Class Christmas party treat

    One of our council members came up with an idea of having School Council stickers and booklets to represent votes they have made. This will be a focus we are working towards to implement for our next meeting.

    We are looking forward to our next meetings in the Spring term to cast more votes for future school celebrations and other areas of development pupils would like to see. Please find some pictures below from our meetings so far: